It’s like watching one of your children suddenly looking all grown up…
It’s ten years now since publication of my first novel, The Accidental Time Traveller. It sold – and still sells – reasonably well, was translated into a number of languages and I still get e mails from enthusiastic readers all over Europe.
And now she’s having a second outing…
My publisher Avon have given her a new name – Time of My LIfe – a smart new cover and re-issued her on Kindle so she’s out in the world again, hoping to make a splash.
In some ways, the story – about a 21st century journalist who finds herself back in the 1950s without hairstraighteners, Lycra, the Pill or much equality- is even more relevant. There’s been an upsurge of nostalgia for the so-called “good old days” of the 1950s.
But were they really that good?
Read Time of My LIfe and decide for yourself…